The Story Behind Fever | Yoga Cycle Strength
The Love Story Behind Our Studio
For some, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to spend quality time with their significant other. For others, it’s a reminder to demonstrate love and vulnerability toward friends and family members. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I want to share my honest, vulnerable story behind the creation of Fever | Yoga Cycle Strength – and the tremendous community we’re building together.
The Story of Fever | Yoga Cycle Strength
This story starts in 2014 when my sister passed away unexpectedly. It was one of the hardest times of my life. It took a lot of soul searching, contemplation, forgiveness, and letting go to move out of that state of constant grief. About a year later, when I was beginning to recover and rebuild, I knew I had to do something more with my life. Something meaningful. No longer could I coast along doing things I didn’t love; I felt inspired – and almost obligated – to do more, to make my sister proud and to make a real difference. I was on a quest to find internal bliss by creating a life of purpose.
I honestly had never seen myself as a business owner but have a long line of successful entrepreneurs in my family. I knew my sister was with me when the idea unveiled itself to open a traditional hot vinyasa yoga studio that would than become so much more.
As the studio grew and as I continued to evolve, I knew I wanted to expand and level up. I just wasn’t quite sure what that meant. I didn’t want to duplicate what I had already done within a few miles like others so often do.
I traveled west for 8 weeks on a mission to hit every studio to become inspired. Toward the end of my journey, I landed upon a fantastic studio that offered multiple rooms. Each room had a different purpose. One room was strictly TRX, one was hot yoga and the other was cycling. I thought wow, what a great concept to add all group fitness modalities together under one roof. I went on to take my yoga class and in savasana my eyes literally popped open, and a huge smile came over my face. This was it. This was how I was going to expand. I knew this was the wave of future for fitness; to offer multiple ways to move for one fee. I knew so many that spent a lot of money on multiple memberships around the city. It was a problem and I wanted to solve it.
There was a plethora of obstacles to overcome. But piece by piece everything fell into place. 12 weeks later our brand-new studio with 3 fitness rooms was born. A new beginning and so much fun!
Currently we offer barre, indoor cycle, hot yoga, strength training, restorative yoga + meditation, pop-up classes like kickboxing and fascia release + more.
Fever | Yoga Cycle Strength has surpassed all my expectations and grown into such a beautiful community. But I couldn’t do any of this without the help and support of my dedicated team. Imagine being able to do what you love all day surrounded by people who love it to. Life truly is a gift.
To all of you who make the choice to practice and move with us, and to heal and strengthen your body and mind, from the inside out, we thank you.